by Dolph Nesloney (with info from Bill Canion)
The original charter for the club was notarized on December 13, 1977. The non-profit corporation known as the Dirt Bikers of San Antonio was born. The originators who served as the initial Board of Trustees were Ernest P. Ritchey, Walter P. Zettner, Michael Bradshaw, James Nidiffer, Don Sietsma, Milton Windrock, Gary Powell, and Don Schoenfield. These off-road motorcycle enthusiasts formed the DBSA and thus began our now long lasting history within the dirt bike community. Since that time, the club has consistently drawn members from all reaches of Texas while promoting a safe, family oriented, off-road motorcycling experience.
In 1978 the DBSA began with a riding lease off Culebra and Potranka Road. Late in 1978, or early 1979, the club had the opportunity to ride at Zars Ranch, a ranch that at the time was almost trail less! The club moved in and the first race was held at Zars Ranch in 1980. Current club Treasurer Dolph Nesloney took the First Place trophy in the Over 30 Class!
A year later the Zars lease was lost due to some members leaving the gate open and worse, cutting fences. The club moved to another lease off of Culebra Road where the riding continued until late 1983. For a year the club also leased a sand pit (basically) near Poteet, Texas. This site didn't draw any rave reviews from the members though. Luckily, with the help from member Mike Ryan and the kind consideration of Leif Zars, the club was allowed to ride at Zars Ranch again in 1984. A relationship which has remained stable for almost three decades.
The DBSA ran the Sayers Motocross Track from 1978 to 1982. The monthly Sunday races had average turn-outs of 100-110 riders. On series races the turnouts would be as high as 180 riders. Many of the long time club members will tell you that this was a fun time to be in the club even though it took a lot of time and effort by the members to maintain and prep the track as well as hold the monthly race. In 1982 the club left the track due to irreconcilable differences with the property owner. The motocross racing was moved to Hidden Valley Campgrounds shortly after leaving the Sayers track site. The track at Hidden Valley was built with the FREE use of heavy equipment owned by Bobby Hardgrover. Not only did he supply the front-end loaders, graders, and dump trucks, he also supplied the people to operate the equipment. Tons of sand was hauled in to help make it rider friendly at Hidden Valley. However, the dirt problem was never resolved. By 1986 the racing was over and the starting gate was sold to riding legend and local, Kent Howerton (1980-1981 250 Outdoor Nationals Champion) so he could hold races on his property.
In the late 1980's, DBSA started the Texas Championship Harescrambles Series (TCHSS) with the Austin Motorsports Association joining in and later the Trail Riders of Houston. The AMA sanctioned series would put AMA District 20 on the map for Harescrambles. In 1992, the club hosted the opening round of the National Harescramble Series at Zars Ranch. 170-190 riders entered a race that was wet, rainy, and just plain nasty. Some of the pro riders were not happy about the cactus, having never raced in it before. Scott Summers won the race (and the GNCC Championship that year). Kent Howerton came in third overall. The AMA District 20 Texas State Harescramble Series was a success. DBSA was involved with the AMA District 20 series until resigning it's position at the end of the 2003 season. Shortly after, the AMA sanctioned series was dissolved due to conflicts with the remaining promoting clubs and the AMA sanctioning body.
The club has participated and hosted many sanctioned racing events and charity drives including a Memorial Day Race fundraiser for the Children's Miracle Network, and a couple of VPGP Tag Team Grand Prix events.
The club also promotes Family Fun Days, club get-togethers, and annual riding adventures to places like the mountains of Colorado and New Mexico as well as many other off-road adventures for the interested member. Organized Membership Meetings are held on a monthly basis.
Updated January 4, 2016